My Two Collections

In this day and age, everyone is collecting something; records, watches, comic books, even clothes. I have become a collector of many things, but the two things I am most proud of are my POPs and Records.

Funko POPs

My favorite collection is my Funko POPs. POPs are bobbleheads created by the toy company Funko. Funko is a toy company with over 26 thousand products. But, POPs are the most popular item they make. 

When I was a freshman in high school my mom got me my first POP. It was a comic book character called Scarlet Spider. It was a Spiderman character from the comic books. I didn’t know at the time that this little action figure would create the collection I own today. Below is a picture of the first POP I collected.

Since I started collecting, I have gotten 177 POPs. That sounds like a lot, but there are POP collectors who have over one-thousand items in their collection. The world record for most POPs collected is over 64 hundred, his name is Paul Scardino. I might not have that many, but my collection is still pretty valuable. My collection of 177 works is over 35 hundred dollars and I am pretty proud of it.

The photo above was taken at my old apartment. My old roommate let me put them in the living room. This isn’t an updated photo, so my collection has grown since then. It is kind of funny to think about now because when we had invited a guest over. The first question they would ask is, “Who’s collection is that?” I didn’t know that so many people knew what POPs were until guests saw my collection. 

Funko has created many POPS from different movies, television, comic books, and even history. I used to only collect Marvel POPS, being a big Marvel Cinematic Universe fan. Then, I noticed that they created pops from other things I enjoyed in the media of pop culture. Some of your favorite television shows and movies might even have characters that were made into POPs. It is funny to think that these little bobbleheads have really created this mass popularity. Since I have started collecting POPs other than just Marvel, I have noticed that Funko has so many licenses from all types of media.  

Just Play A Record

Ever since I could remember, I have loved music. This might be a broad statement, because who hasn’t listened to music. But this year alone I have listened to over one hundred hours of music on my phone. My fascination with music goes to other ranges as well, including records. I started getting into records last year. It is a newer collection so I don’t have as many as I want, but I hope it will grow as the years go by. Sadly, do not have a picture of my records.

Right now, I have 30 records of some of my favorite bands and artist. The first record I got was an Eminem record. The album was The Marshall Mathers LP. I got this one because Eminem has been one of my favorite artists ever since I started listening to hip-hop and rap music. But, I don’ just collect hip-hop records, I collect all types.

My favorite record I own is one I got the most recently. Rex Orange County is one of my favorite artists. I was in a record shop and I saw the album, Apricot Princess. As soon as I saw it, I knew instantly I needed it for the collection. It was the first Rex album I got, and I plan to secure them all. 

Records are also very popular among young people as well. Many people I know also collect records, and some of those people are the ones who got me into collecting records. The biggest record collection I have scene was one of my friends who have over one-hundred records. He has collected for the past four years and I have always been so jealous. 

I have always been into more vintage or retro items like records because music is generational. I don’t only collect new artists, but an old artists as well. It is so cool to me that I can listen to a record with my mom or dad of a band that was popular in their time. It gives me a sense of joy to watch older people remember a time when records were so popular.

Everyone Collects

The two main items I collect are POPs and records, but I collect other things as well. Today, collecting is a hobby for a lot of people. Collectors are proud of what they own and love to show it off. I have met so many people with many different collections and it makes me happy that they are so proud of their collections. 



Piercing Aftercare Advice

Before jumping into my tips and tricks for piercing aftercare, I wanted to disclose that I am not a professional, and this routine works best for me but may not work for you. The number of times you should clean your piercings daily depends on the sensitivity of your skin. With that being said, let’s begin.

Saltwater Solution

My favorite solution, and many piercers will agree, is a homemade saltwater mix. Using an eight-ounce spray bottle, I will fill it to the top with purified bottled water and then put a quarter teaspoon of iodized salt into the spray bottle. Once shaken very well, I will use it to spray my piercings periodically throughout the day– approximately five times a day. The spray bottle method makes it easier to clean more complicated piercings, such as the septum. I will also spray q-tips and clean around the piercing more thoroughly to make sure any crusties are being removed. 

At least three times a day, I will create this solution again, but in a coffee cup. Once the salt dissolves, I put the cup in the microwave for about 30-45 seconds, then hold the hot water mixture against my piercings for five minutes. This allows the fresh wound to drain and speeds up the healing process. However, you may not be able to clean your piercing as often. As I mentioned earlier, it depends on your skin’s sensitivity, as the salt may cause your skin to dry out faster or irritate it. For example, I am unable to soak my nostril piercing three times a day because the skin on my nose will dry out quicker and peel. As a result, I will usually submerge it in saltwater once a day and spray it three times throughout the day.

Antibacterial Soap

In addition to cleaning my piercings with saltwater, I will use antibacterial soap to wash them in the shower. This is always the last step in my shower routine to ensure there is no shampoo and conditioner on my ear piercings. I always recommend not using soap on any facial piercings and sticking to the saltwater solution. However, the soap on ear and body piercings will help keep the piercing extra clean and prevent infections.

While in the shower, pump a dime size drop on the palm of your hand and mix it with water until soapy. Using the tip of your finger, gently rub it around the front and back of each piercing. Once done, thoroughly rinse each piercing because any leftover soap can dry up and irritate the piercing and/or skin. 

Piercing Complications

I wanted to also mention the consequences of not regularly cleaning your piercings. The most common and significant complication is an infection. Some signs of infection include redness, swelling, discharge, and/or feeling hot to the touch. If you believe your piercing may be infected, it is important to contact your piercer or doctor before it worsens. The doctor may prescribe antibiotics if the infection is severe enough. 

Other complications that can occur are rejection and migration. Piercing rejection can occur if the body sees the piercing as a foreign object and tries to push it out. Some signs of rejection/migration are the hole of the piercing getting larger, jewelry moving more freely, jewelry becoming more visible under the skin, and/or the jewelry hanging differently. In the case of a rejecting piercing, it is important to take it out immediately, or the scarring will worsen. 

Another complication that can come from piercings is keloids. Keloids are thick raised scars that can be pink, red, or brown and darken over time. They are usually harmless to the body but may be cosmetically unappealing. If left untreated, keloids can grow larger over time and become itchy and painful. To minimize a keloid, use the saltwater method I mentioned above to ensure the piercing site is clean.


This is an example of a keloid I had growing on my conch piercing. After a couple weeks giving it extra cleaning and soaks, it cleared up completely.

Other Tips

Some more tips I recommend to keep your piercing clean and infection free are to always wash your hands before cleaning your piercing. It is crucial never to touch your piercings with dirty hands. That one should be a given, but it never hurts to repeat important information. Also, do not try to move or twist the piercing as this can cause inflammation and irritation to the wound. 

Another common tip in the piercing world is to not change the piercing earlier than the recommended healing time. For example, most cartilage piercings take about four to six months to heal and can be changed after that. With the help of a piercer and excellent piercing aftercare, you may be able to switch it sooner; however, always follow your piercer’s recommendations.

Here are a few of my favorite piercings on my ears: the double tragus and rook. Piercings are a fun way for people to express themselves, and a new piece of bling can give people a boost in their confidence. However, it is important to follow a good aftercare routine to keep your piercing clean, assist with the healing process, and prevent it from having to be taken out. Stay clean and keep your bling. Thank you, everyone for reading!


So, you want to own a Leopard gecko: here’s what you need to know

Leopard geckos are fascinating nocturnal creatures that, for the most part, live up-to their name. These geckos are defined by their pattern that mimics leopard spots and a thick, bulbous tail that many people find intriguing. There are mutations like albinism, as pictured, that can result in no spots.

These geckos are small lizards who originate from the arid regions in and around the Middle East, consisting of a desert-like environment with mountains and occasional rain.

Tank Set up


Leopard geckos need, at minimum, a 10-gallon glass enclosure and can be in enclosures as large as 30-gallons. Although they are small, they like to move around and climb and explore.

They will need ‘two sides’ of their tank- a cool side and a hot side. To provide this, not only is correct light placement needed, but a cool hut and a hot hut will be needed- one on the far right of the tank and one on the far left.

For substrate they need either soil, sand or rocks to imitate their natural environment. They need some artificial plants, rocks and wood to make their environment more realistic and give them things to ‘discover’ and move around.

You will need a mist bottle to spray the enclosure about once a week. They do not live in rainy areas but do require small amount of humidity. This humidity will allow them to shed when needed.

Lighting and Heat

Leopard geckos lighting and heating are crucial to its quality of life and its longevity. Leopard geckos require a U.V.B. bulb to imitate sunlight and provide vitamin D, and they need either a heating pad or heat but to imitate heat during the day.

As mentioned, they need a cool side and a hot side of the tank. The heat pad or light and U.V.B. lights need to be on the hot side, and the cool side requires no light or heat.


Food, Water and Vitamins


Leopard geckos need to have a variety diet of gut-loaded insects. These insects can vary from crickets, wax worms and mealworms. An important part of their diet is knowing if you have an adult leopard gecko or a younger one, as junior leopard geckos require daily feeding and adults require every-other to two-day feeding schedules.


Leopard geckos need clean water available at all times. They also need a very shallow water bowl so they can access it and avoid being stuck in the bowl or not being able to reach it. Their water should be replaced daily.


Just as any living thing needs vitamins to be healthy and survive, your leopard gecko will need to have vitamin supplements to make-up for what they would normally receive in the wild. They receive vitamin D from the U.V.B. bulb but also require calcium. Without enough of both of these vitamins, they can develop bone issues. To give your leopard gecko calcium, you will need calcium powder that can be dusted on their food about once a week, or you can find calcium-rich fruits and vegetables to gut-load your live food.

General Care

Cleanliness and Body Care

Leopard geckos don’t require being washed unless there’s a special circumstance (like if their water spilt into the dirt and they got muddy), but their tank does require daily spot cleaning to remove their feces and keep any food scraps from going bad, molding or attracting pests. Another thing to check for daily if you have any wood or moss in the tank, is mold. With the water bowl inside the tank, humidity will rise which can lead to mold growth if not monitored.

On a weekly basis, their tank should be cleared out and spot cleaned, and you should be checking for any escaped live food. If their food is left alive, in the tank, it will continue to molt and grow- for example, meal worms will eventually become beetles that aren’t edible anymore.

Leopard geckos shed their skin as they grow. When they are shedding, they will become more dormant and likely not want to interact or be touched. When they begin shedding, make sure they have their cool hut and mist their tank twice a week during their shed. Do not, under any circumstance, remove their shed for them or try to help. The shedding process is natural and the time it takes (1-to-2 weeks) is natural. If you attempt to remove their shed, it will cause pain and remove the natural element of their own removal. Do not remove the fallen shed either, as they will eat it and get nutrients, just as they would in the wild.

A captive leopard gecko can grow as large as 15 to 20 centimeters and live for up to 20 years. To ensure healthy growth and life longevity, it is crucial to properly care and handle your gecko as well as have the financials to maintain its habitat and diet.


Personality and Bonding

Leopard geckos typically have a friendly personality and don’t mind moderate interaction and handling with their owner. However, this should not be forced or happen immediately. They will need a week to adjust to their new environment and destress. During this first week, it is important to hand-feed (use tweezers to bring a bug to them) so they can get used to seeing your hand, your scent and understand that you are taking care of them and providing their needs. After this week, you should put your hand in their without food and allow your gecko to approach it, sniff it and maybe even lick it, to establish trust.

Do not ever just grab the gecko, as this could send it into high stress and it could drop its tail. Although they are friendly companions, you need to approach your relationship at their pace and allow them to get comfortable with you. Even once there is trust, you still need to allow the gecko to be held on its terms to avoid high stress and tail dropping. Even if a gecko does not drop its tail, being in high stress situations can shorten its life span of 10 to 20 years.


So You Want to Play Magic the Gathering.

A few months back, I got back into Magic the Gathering. I learned that my girlfriend and her family frequently played the game, and so I decided to dust off some old decks I had made all those years ago and join them one night. I hadn’t played the game since middle school, well over a decade ago at this point, and so even though the game still felt familiar to me, I was understandably pretty rusty. Needless to say I lost almost all the game I played that night, but I was back in the game and loving it. During this time, I became reacquainted with the rules of Magic. If anyone was ever wondering what Magic the Gathering was and how to start, well this is as good a place to start as any.

Magic: The Gathering Reveals Ikoria: Lair of Behemoths Box Art

Magic the Gathering is a card game that was created by Richard Garfield and published by Wizards of the Coast in 1993. It is actually the first ever trading card game, which makes it stand out among others since it is, well, the first. since then, magic has grown exponentially in both popularity and size, with tens of millions of players worldwide, and literal billions of cards produced (no joke. From 2008 to 2016, over twenty billion Magic cards were produced).

Magic is traditionally a game that is involved two players. There can be more, but most games are with two. Each player has a deck of Magic cards, either a pre-built deck one that was put together by said player, which signify spells that the players cast at one another to try and achieve victory (We will talk more about victory later). Both players start with twenty life points, which might not sound like a lot, but numbers in magic tend to be pretty small for simplicities sake.

A deck must have at minimum 60 cards to be legal to play. There is no maximum deck size, but typically staying as close to 60 cards as you can is the best way to go. In addition, players cannot have more that 4 copies of any given card in their deck, excluding lands, which are the resource that players use to cast their cards/spells. There are five different types of lands in the game: Plains (white), Islands (blue),Swamps (black), Mountains (red), and Forests (green). Without lands, players cannot cast spells, and so an average Magic deck will have at least a third of its cards dedicated to lands. 

To do almost anything in magic, you must tap cards. To tap a card is to turn it sideways to show that it has been used for the turn. You do this when you use a land to make mana, when you attack with a creature, or when you activate an ability that has the tap symbol as part of its cost . When a permanent is tapped, you can’t tap it again until it’s been untapped. As your turn begins, untap your tapped cards so you can use them again.

Magic: The Gathering Commander 2019 Previews: Basic Lands That Form A ...

There are a few different types of cards in Magic. Those types are land, creature, artifact, enchantment, planeswalker, instant and sorcery. Everything other than instants and sorceries are permanents, meaning that after you cast them, they stay on the field until forcibly removed by a player action.

To cast a spell in Magic, you must pay its mana cost  by tapping lands to make the amount and type of mana which that spell requires. That cost will be in the upper right corner of the card. Most cards specify what kind of land is needed to by tapped in order to cast it, but just as many can also be cast, or partially cast using any type of land. this is denoted by a number within a grey circle, while the specific land needed to cast is shown by that lands symbol. For example, if you were trying to cast a spell that costs three lands and two islands, you would have to tap two islands, but after that you could tap any color land to finish casting that spell.

Once a spell has been cast, one of two things happens. If the spell is an instant or a sorcery, you follow the instructions on the card, and then you put the card into your graveyard. The graveyard is there card go when they leave the field, either after their effect ends, or if they are removed from the field in the case for permanents. If the spell is a creature, artifact, or enchantment, you put the card on the table in front of you.

Now that the basics are out of the way, we can discuss how to win. The most common way to win in Magic is to attack with your creatures. If a creature that is attacking an opponent isn’t blocked, it deals damage equal to its power to that opponent. The middle phase of each turn is the combat phase. In the combat phase, you choose which of your creatures will attack. Tap your creatures to show that they are attacking. Your opponent can then choose which of their creatures will block, if they want to. Tapped creatures can’t be declared as blockers. Once all blockers have been chosen, each creature, both attackers and blockers, simultaneously deals damage equal to their power to the others toughness (power and toughness are shown in the bottom right of a card). An attacking creature that isn’t blocked deals damage to the player it’s attacking. If damage is dealt to your opponent, they lose that much life.

If a creature is dealt damage equal to or greater than its toughness over the course of a single turn (whether it be combat damage, damage from spells or abilities, or both), that creature is destroyed, and it goes to its owner’s graveyard. If a creature takes damage that isn’t enough to destroy it in a single turn, that creature stays on the battlefield, and the damage wears off at the end of the turn.

Magic: The Gathering Wallpapers - Wallpaper Cave

These are just the basics of Magic the Gathering. There are more advanced and extensive rules out there (the official rulebook is huge but largely dedicated to specific card interactions). Needless to say, if anyone were to read this and try to pick up the game, hopefully they would have a pretty decent understanding of how it works.

Spice Up Your Life with Five Below


Five Below reaches 1,000 stores with new Houston location

Five Below is an affordable store that can serve many people and their needs. I think it’s the perfect store for those on a budget, like many college students. There are some hidden gems at Five Below that everyone should know about. Especially during times like these when it seems like the price of everything is rising. It’s nice to know a good spot to get some goodies.


Five below has everything from snacks, makeup, chargers, and home decor, but many people sleep on their graphic tees. They have some really nice shirts and the best part is they’re less than $5.

Wilmington Independence Mall continues redevelopment with Five Below

Graphic tees are great for almost any occasion, you can dress the shirt up or down. For a cute, comfy look you can pair a graphic tee with biker shorts and slides or sneakers. If you want to go for a 2000s look you can wear a shirt with oversized/baggy jeans. If you were going on a date, you could cut a tee down the middle, tie it in the middle for a cute look, and pair it with heels.

Five below also have cute sandals that are perfect for the Texas weather.

Furthermore, Five Below has accessories that can really take your look to the next level. Necklaces, bracelets, and rings will make you feel so much better while running your errands. When you look better, you feel better.

The Importance of Self Care

It is important that we take care of ourselves. It’s better for your overall health. According to Southern New Hampshire University, “Engaging in a self-care routine has been clinically proven to reduce or eliminate anxiety and depression, reduce stress, improve concentration, minimize frustration and anger, increase happiness, improve energy, and more.” Five below has a lot of products that can be used in a self-care routine. They carry things like face masks, nail kits, body products, and oil diffusers. All of these items can take away a lot of stress in your life.


Now you may not be able to get luxury furniture from Five Below, but you can for sure find some nice home and car decorations. They have small fake plants that can make your office space more aesthetically pleasing. They also have LED lights which can take up any space from a 5 to a 10. They have many more things like pillows, rugs, wall art, and organizers. This is perfect for students moving into a dorm for the first time. Since furniture is provided by your school, all you have to worry about is decorating and getting other essentials. Many students like me don’t have a lot of help from their families and it’s totally up to them to get the things they want and need. I know when I started college my dorm shopping completely broke me. So I am glad to encourage others to shop at Five Below.


Now I know when people think of tech items that cost $5 they’re a little worried, but there are some things from Five Below that are really good for the price. They have phone cases for just about any phone. They have phone mounts for your car, which is a great find because holding your phone while driving is a safety hazard. They also have chargers that I would only trust to leave in my car because those tend to break easily. Aside from phone accessories, they have an entire gaming section with headphones, keyboards, and game controller accessories. They also have many different types of Bluetooth speakers.

Content Creation

In this new age of content creation, it seems that stores are catering solely to those who create content for various social media sites. Five Below is a great start for those who want to get into content creation without breaking the bank. They have ring lights, tripods, and vlogging kits.

Quality Time

I think Five Below is the perfect store for those who want to spend more time with their family and friends. They have tons of games and arts and crafts. You can gather all of your loved ones and go down to your nearest Five Below and have them each pick a game or craft they want to do. They also have snacks that you can grab on your way out. What’s a game night without snacks?

As you can probably tell by now, Five Below is one of my favorite stores. They have almost everything I could want. Whenever  I need a pick me up I just go to this store and stroll and see what new thing I want to try out. The best thing about Five Below is the prices. Being a full-time student and a part-time worker, I don’t always have as many funds as I would like, but shopping at Five Below helps with that. This store is also great for when I want to have a fun day with my three younger siblings. We love to get games and snacks to spend quality time together whenever I visit them. Overall, I think it’s a fun store.

How to get 360 Waves (African American Hair Culture)

What are 360 Waves

In African American culture waves are demonstration of hair individuality. Having a short haircut has always been a classic among African American men all over for many generations. The correct Terminology for it is called 360 waves or curls. 360 waves are a hairstyle worn by men with natural hair. The look is achieved by the constant brushing of short hair, which forms ripples throughout the hair, creating a natural wave like pattern on top of the head and around.

Accessories and Products

Here are a few essential items you’ll need before starting: Pomade, a Wave brush, shampoo, conditioner, and a durag (doo-rag). You don’t need much, but these five things will allow you to easily achieve and lock your waves in place.


How to get 360 waves

The first step involves getting a short haircut and edging it up. This keeps the hair looking nice and neat. After that, get a Wave brush with strong bristles and brush for about two minutes. This should be done following the growth pattern of your hair so that we go with the grain and not against it. Once you have a waves haircut, rinse your hair with shampoo and conditioner before you start  It’s good to start off with a clean base.

here are some steps to go by.

Step 1. Take a washcloth and dip it into some hot running water, wring some of the water and wipe down your hair. Repeat this procedure a couple of times for the sides and back of your head.

Step 2. Take the grease and apply it onto your hair and work it around evenly so that all your hair can be attended.

Step 3 Take the durag and tie it around your head. This should preferably be done during bedtime.

here are what my waves look like.

Here’s a 360-wave video

My journey for waves dates back two- thousand-eleven to when I got my first wave brush the Diane wave brush. When choosing a brush, you can never go wrong with a soft to medium boar bristle option, I didn’t know much about them but as I got older, I realized what works and what doesn’t work for me. However, everyone has a different hair texture. The brush here demonstrating the image is a medium hard brush for soft course hair you would say. other brushes such as Torino pro and Crown brushes.


See the source image

Wave Brushes

See the source imageSee the source imageSee the source image




Here are some brushes that I invested in when I wanted to enhance my waves. So, the dark blue brush is a medium brush that I got my freshmen year at texas state along with the other brushes.  With any new gift you get yourself I was brushing my hair non-stop. I just loved the texture of the brush, and it went with the grain of my hair perfectly.  The turquoise brush was my “bread and butter” this was the go-to brush I went to right after I got my haircut. The bristles on this brush felt like clouds and it was so soothing to my head.  The most important part about having a soft brush was not to strain your hair follicles from falling after brushing too hard. The soft brush compensated for the medium during the initial stages after a haircut. The last brush is the hard brush. this brush I used during the “wolfing stage.” The wolf stage is a period where you go for an extended period without a haircut and brush your hair to enhance your waves.  The hard brush lays your thick hair down to make the waves deeper.


Image result for pomade for menImage result for pomade for men See the source image

So, here we have some very traditional wave pomade above. Murry’s is a long time brand their product consists of a thick texture which needs to be softened by hot water then applied to the head. Murry’s is used particularly when you are wolfing. Royal crown is smooth like vasoline this will give your hair a good shine when you decide to step out for a date. shea moister pomade is a healthy hair product that we give your waves volume and a glow to it. Lastly you have blue magic coconut oil hair conditioner. This is what I use on my hair whicis also ahaelthy hair product that gives you a shine like royal crown but you can leave it in your hair. the other pomades you must wash out and re apply it daily.


Image result for durags for men    See the source image See the source image    See the source image

Durags can come in many different colors and lengths.  The purpose of the durags will remain the same it is to hold and lay down your hair to maintain the wave pattern. However,  durags have become a style in some sort of fashion with all the designs artists put into them. durags can be made from velvet to silk and even polyester. The man attraction for durags was the famous wave check videos.  click link below.



San Marcos Cat Issue

San Marcos is home for many indigenous fish and animals. Yet, there are other animals here that wouldn’t benefit the same from the beautiful rivers and infrastructure. Many people would like to argue cats can be an indoor and outdoor animal to allow their hunting instincts to be fulfilled. Some do not realize that these animals have been bread for our needs and can no longer happily live full lives outdoors in the world we’ve created. Outdoor cats are actually viewed detrimental to the ecosystem and global biodiversity. While there are working cat programs that will benefit pest control on farms this still brings my attention back to the limit lifespan these babies could have.

During my junior year attending Texas State, I lived in a suburbs of San Marcos Texas. It was actually only two minutes away from San Marcos Regional Animal Shelter. In that time I had seen more strays than I have encountered in any city or metroplex. Most of which were all not neutered or spayed, and many were friendly enough for petting, love and even a home. In a five month time span, I had rescued over six cats from just my single block.

Lucky was one of the first cats we rescued. I was walking my friend to her car around 9pm one fall night, when we heard a cat crying in the storm drain. I thought it might have been one of the older strays we feed in need of medical attention. I put my flashlight down there to find only a three week old kitten searching for his mom.  After trying to feed him by tossing food down the drain while he was fending off other strays, I told him I’d be back for him in the morning. There he was. Waiting for my return, knowing he found the right person; still crying for help, a meal and a good hug. I called the shelter to see if they could help rescue him. They explain they have no jurisdiction to go underground and that they had already had many reports in our neighborhood a few nights ago from other people blocks away. He had journeyed all the way to the other side of his neighborhood searching and crying for his mom and siblings. They said “you are just going to let him find his mom”. This was heart breaking. The odds for this cat were all against him. I decided to take things into my own hands with no prior rescue knowledge. I called the fire department and they explain they need the animal control to call them to approve. Which I found upsetting because the animal control said they could do nothing when in reality they could have. I told the nice correspondent the lack of care for this animal and that we would claim it as our own if they help us. She kindly sent a team over to me. Five firefighters and I got flashlights ladders and many different tools to go down and grab this baby.

Lucky is now almost one year old. He inspired a huge part of my heart to rescue animals. It was here, I realized that our shelters only have so many resources to help. Especially with the  surge of cats in San Marcos. It is our job as a community to help if we want to see change. Yet, what is the issue? Well after finding lucky, I began going on walks around my neighborhood to check out how many cats really are here. It was then I found a house with over six cats hanging outside, without neutering, flea medicine or vaccinations.  This was my second accidental rescue. Koda decided to follow me home that day all the way down the block. One of the neighbor of the cat house said, “yeah you can take those cats, the lady won’t mind”. I picked him up scared of him getting hit by a car. Instantly he cuddled on me knowing he’s about to be with his new mom, my bestfriend Dani. After taking him to vet we found out he had worms and was very skinny from eating a flea. We got him neutered and all in good health.

Koda gave me so much insight into what was happening in my neighborhood. A month later I grabbed two more cats from this house, just before the winter storm with the owners knowledge and acceptance. At first, I was nervous this lady, who’s identity I will protect, was going to be mad for taking her cats but it was here I found out she has many more inside. She loves cats and she is constantly having litters of them which makes her have to put many outside. I understand her love for these animals. Every single cat from her house was loving. Yet, many of them that were outside that I was not able to rescue would be seen in the neighborhood with injuries, sickness and pregnant way too early for them to have a healthy pregnancy.



While yes, the issue can start there, other neighbors in Blanco Gardens didn’t like the mass amounts of cats in the street. Along my cat rescue journey, I met Sarah. A women who has sustained many brain surgeries and lives on disability making it her soul purpose to help San Marcos cats. She has seen so many cats in our neighborhood shot with bebe guns, hit by cars and severely mistreated. This extended my fear for these babies. The issue isn’t just that animal control lacks resources. The issue isn’t just people’s lack of pet knowledge. The issue is constant. The issue is a community issue. These cats have many odds against them. I think while yes, this is a temporary home for many college students, it is also becoming a temporary home for way too many cats. We love San Marcos and our river. I think it’s important to extend our care for these little guys we see on every block. Next time you see a black cat cross your car, don’t be superstitious. Instead remind yourself of Lucky; a cat still crying for help, a meal and a good hug.

The Truth About Family Vloggers

Over the past year, I have found a new love for Youtube. Youtube has become one of the most popular social media apps in today’s age, with no signs of decline anytime soon. The videos I initially watched were family vloggers, but with a deeper dive into Youtube, I learned the negative effects of these channels. 

Child’s Wellbeing

When a parent creates content revolving around their children, the child’s well-being becomes the second priority while money takes the lead. Often times these videos are made at the expense of a child’s emotional, or sometimes even physical, well-being. For example, one father vlogger, Cordero James Brady, racked up millions of views and subscribers by pranking his children. However, he made headlines when one prank went too far. The viral video showed him feeding his children ice cream laced with laxatives. He continues to record them as they sit in the bathroom, crying out in pain. 

Fortunately, many viewers noticed the child abuse happening and led to the immediate cancellation of this Youtuber. On the other hand, there are still thousands of parents on the internet exposing their children to the same abuse and not getting repercussions. Most people see how these channels are causing problems, but they don’t realize the toll it has on a child and the consequences it will have later in life. Another family channel under fire last year was 8 Passengers for the questionable ways they punish their children. Their second oldest child, Chad, was sent to the Anasazi Foundation Wilderness Therapy Program for ten weeks for behavioral issues. This well-known program has had many controversies around it and the child abuse that occurs at this camp. 

Once Chad was back, he almost immediately lost access to his bedroom and had to sleep on a beanbag for six months for pulling a prank on his younger brother. In a video posted about this, the 15-year-old explained how he had no friends, and no one at his school wanted to talk to him. The content posted about him and the consequences made by their parents is causing a mental and emotional toll on this child.


In addition to a child’s wellness being jeopardized, their privacy and consent are taken away with each video posted. Many of these family channels have gained some of their highest views on videos about their daughters hitting puberty, bra shopping, and menstrual cycles. It raises the question of where the boundaries are with some of these channels, and are these kids old enough to be able to give consent to these videos?

First, let’s focus on privacy. Having millions of people know when a little girl has hit puberty and watching them experience their first-time bra shopping gives children almost no privacy. These topics are some of the most private– and sometimes embarrassing– things for a young girl to go through; therefore, they should not be made into content for others to watch. On another note, some of the people watching these videos are watching them for the wrong reasons. Focusing on the analytics of some of the most popular Youtube pages, approximately 70 percent of males, especially those between the ages of 18-44, watch these videos. 

It is concerning to think that these men are watching videos about young girls getting their first periods and learning how to shave. More so, it should be even more concerning that parents are exploiting their children’s privacy without regard to who may be watching. Nonetheless, there should be more guidelines on Youtube’s terms to prevent the exposure of children in this way. 

Another idea to bring up is the age of consent and informed consent. One excuse many of these channels have for exploiting their children is that the child gave them consent to record and post them. However, a very young child cannot give informed consent because they honestly probably don’t understand exactly what they are consenting to. 

These children are also unaware at a young age of the effects this will have on them later in adulthood. Once the child is old enough to get a job, their employer will look them up and see hundreds of videos from their childhood. Not to mention, videos about getting their periods and bra shopping is not something most people want their employers to see. In addition, many children of Youtubers grow up and speak out about their experiences growing up and consistently having a camera shoved in their face. These children have also mentioned their lack of consent and privacy in these videos and the effects it had on them in school, public, and a professional setting. 

In conclusion, it is important to be protecting children from the risks of Youtube and having their lives posted all over social media for money. Rather than teach children it is okay to grow up filming everything they do, let’s teach children the risks of the internet and hide them from the predators out there. The internet is a scary place and having no sense of privacy opens the door for millions to know everything about these kids when they are as young as a newborn. Children should be able to live a normal childhood and grow up without worrying about the repercussions of their parent’s actions. Audiences can do their part by not supporting these channels and educating themselves more on the negative impact family channels have. Let’s make the internet a safer, more mature space and protect young children from the internet.

A Comedy Doesn’t Always Have to Make You Laugh

The entertainment industry has something for everyone when it comes to music, television, and movies. But comedy has been a genre for these mediums for as long as I can remember. Every time I watch or listen to something that is put in the group comedy, I know I am going to laugh and make myself happy. Although, some things that are put in the comedy genre can also make me feel a wave of other emotions. Three specific things come into my mind when I think of a comedy that hasn’t made me feel joy. But has made feel things like sadness, fear, or anger. There is a musician, a television show, and a movie that are considered comedies that have made me feel something other than happiness.

Many people do not think of comedy as a genre of music, but there are musical comedians. Bo Burnham is a musician who performs comedic songs that I laugh at. But there are some songs that he has performed that have made me burst into tears. Bo Burnham has been performing musical comedy for years. but I didn’t know who he was until I heard him on Apple Music. A friend told me to listen to him, and I instantly loved what he had to say and sing about. The first few songs I listened to made me laugh hard, then I kept listening. In 2021 Burnham, put out a musical comedy show that he wrote, filmed, and edited 2020. I was expecting some joyfulness in the hard times most of us had during the COVID-19 pandemic. He did perform songs that made me laugh, but he also did some songs that hit a hard emotional core. This comedy was called INSIDE. The song that put me into tears was called All Eyes On Me. At its core, this song showed how the pandemic had a hard impact on Bo’s life and it’s okay to go through that. Below is that song (Explicit Warning).

Television has been a medium for many people who love entertainment. Comedy has been on the silver screen for many decades, and it will continue to dominate in the industry for years to come. A tv show that I have always loved in the comedy genre is Scrubs. This show ran for nine seasons, with the lead role as the talented Zach Braff. After season seven the show got canceled by NBC but was picked up for another season by ABC. Scrubs was a comedic look at doctors working in a hospital. It was kind of like a less serious version of Grey’s Anatomy. In my personal opinion, Scrubs is better than Grey’s Anatomy because it has a light-hearted take on what doctors go through as they work in a hospital and it wasn’t life-changing in every episode. Most people who have seen Scrubs usually laugh at what the characters go through, but there are some serious moments that the series tackles.

The episode of Scrubs I watched that made me feel something other than joy was called My Old Lady. It was the fourth episode of season one, so it was early on in the series. The episode had the realization that not everyone survives going to the hospital. It showed the three main characters go through the loss of their patients that they were residing over that episode. When I first watched this episode, I realized that life isn’t always going to work out in your favor. Some people die and sometimes it is hard to understand, as long as you know you tried to do everything you can to help. I never thought that a sitcom would make me feel these types of fear and loss.

In my opinion, music and television are fantastic, but movies are my favorite medium in the entertainment industry. Movies have always been my go-to activity when I have some free time on my hands. I have seen hundreds of movies and I have collected every movie ticket I have gone to go see since 2015. A comedy movie is something people usually watch with friends because laughing together makes it better. But, in my case, I will watch a comedy by myself. One movie that was put in the comedy genre that made me feel all types of other emotions is The Truman Show. The Truman Show is a movie that shows the main character staring at a tv show that was built around his whole life, but he doesn’t know it. Everyone around the world watches this show in the movie, and the man in the show thinks that his life is perfectly normal. Who else but Jim Carry could star in a movie that has this premise. No spoilers for this movie of course. But this movie made me feel like you can get out of something that you have been stuck in your whole life without even knowing you’re stuck. Below is the trailer for The Truman Show.

Now every time I watch or listen to something that is considered a comedy, I try to notice things that would have other emotions. Not everything is as it seems, including genres of music, television, and movies.